Austin Koziol

Position: Drums, Vocals

Austin Koziol a.k.a. “Koz” from Libertyvile, IL is a husband, father, and drummer. Austin got hooked after hearing funk music for the first time when he was eight years old. Ever since – his life has been guided by his dream to be a full-time musician.

Koz, 15 years old at the time, worked at the same sandwich shop as Jack and jammed with the Sneezy boys on a whim after work one day. A few years later he got a call from them to play a show with them. “When?” He asked. “Tonight. Picking you up in 10 minutes”, Jack replied. The rest is history. He met his wife Marissa studying music at ISU in 2016. Eight years later, they have a baby girl on the way. In addition to music, Austin’s underlying passion for health and fitness lead him to become a part-time personal trainer and nutrition coach (more info at @austinkoz_). He helps musicians look, feel, and play better through health and fitness.