Austin Lutter

Position: Lead Guitar, Vocals

Austin “Big Blazer” Lutter joined the band (then known as Sneezy Trio) in 2009 after helping record and produce some of the Trio’s initial recordings. Sneezy being a band comprised of lifelong friends, Austin has known Jack since age 4 and Brett since 1st grade… and growing up together, the living room at the Holland’s house right down the street from Austin’s home was always a safe space to create, and served as the perfect launching point for his now 26 year musical career.

As the band’s resident metal head, Austin 🎸 shreds 🤘 lead guitar for Sneezy, and enjoys producing/mixing/mastering records and doing all other kinds of post production audio work in his free time. When not on tour with Sneezy, he enjoys a good RPG video game, playing chess, and creating the occasional synthesizer EDM jam in Ableton Live.